Despite the promise of vastly reducing the number of bugs in software and hardware, formal methods are (still) not applied at large in industry, and there are only few companies that offer commercial software engineering solutions that are rooted in formal methods. We will hear about this paradox (and hopefully about ways to overcome this) from two such companies.
13.30-14.10 Machiel van der Bijl (Axini)
Formal methods in industry, or what problems do companies have that FM can solve?
In this talk Machiel van der Bijl (PhD in formal methods from University of Twente) and founder of Axini will look back at 11 years Axini. Axini applies FM like model-based testing and model-driven engineering in the high-tech and financial industry.
The talk adresses two main topics:
- Lessons learned in applying FM in industry
- The way academia and industry can help each other in making formal methods a standard tool in the software engineer’s toolbox.
14.10-14.50 Robert Howe (Verum)
Why aren’t FM specialists rich(er)?
Would anyone reading this care to risk their life in a fully autonomous vehicle built using conventional software engineering practices? The fact is that we know that conventional software development is riddled with shortcomings such that we can’t trust the results it produces. We also know that Formal Methods are the solution to this problem. So how come our expertise is not in demand to the extent that we’re all a lot richer?